Friday, March 12, 2010

Need Ideas For This UNIT! HELP

Hi everyone...well it's been quite some time since I've posted and I do miss blogging dearly. I haven't created or made any cards in awhile so I don't have anything to post of my own. I do however have cards I made at a workshop recently that I will post tomorrow :)

Things have been crazy in MY world and to top it all off I get hit with a stomach virus causing lots of yukkies and plenty of sore exhausted muscles. Some say it might be the stomach flu or the Novo Virus or even food poisoning. whatever it was, it's slowly going away. Weakness is still a factor at this point for fear of eating but getting better everyday.

Now For My Request : ) Isn't this cute...however I will probably alter it to match my craft space...

I saw this box and wondered what I could use it for. It comes with removable drawers and is made of cardboard/paperboard. The dimensions are 12 1/4 x 12 1/4 and 6" depth.

I thought about even separating the drawers and using the shell...I'm a blank...HELP any idas for storage ot even craft ideas would be helpful.
